Tuesday 5 May 2015


Today we are going to explore what worship is, and how it impacts the life of a Christian.

Definitions of the words in old and new testaments indicate the bowing or lowering yourself or lyeing down before God.  The word in the old testament referring to God is shaw-khaw which is defined "prostrate (especially reflexively in homage to royalty or God): - bow (self) down, crouch, fall down (flat), humbly beseech, do (make) obeisance, do reverence, make to stoop, worship."  There are two other words used in Jer and Daniel which refer to worshiping other gods or the king which is just the bowing part of the meaning.

People used to literally lie face down in worship to God.  Clara often lies down when we are praying.  This is where bowing your head comes from when we are praying.  Even today, when you meet the Queen you bow or curtsey as a mark of respect and lowering yourself before her.  I've even seen people doing this in public prayer and worship even in today's society which goes back to the original meaning.

The new testament word pros-koo-neh'-o also indicates the kissing of a hand.  (meaning to kiss, like a dog licking his master’s hand); to fawn or crouch to, that is, (literally or figuratively) prostrate oneself in homage (do reverence to, adore): - worship.

The English word is literally worth-ship - to give worth to something.

In olden days the subjects used to bow before the King or Queen and kiss the ring of office which was the royal seal which is a continuation of the thought that you bow before the King and kiss the hand.
Worship is therefore the Act of holding God higher than ourselves and putting God first.   Put it the other way - by lowering ourselves we're lifting God up.
In the old testament they used to make sacrifices and offerings for all kinds of reasons as part of their worship, mostly to thank God and to say sorry for the things they did wrong.  Lets look at one example from the old testament that links worship and sacrifices.
2Ki 17:36  Worship only me! I am the one who rescued you from Egypt with my mighty power. Bow down to me and offer sacrifices.
Israel made a range of offerings including Lambs, bulls, doves, also grain offerings.  This was an important part of the Sabbath and Holy Days which were also linked to the harvests.

In the new testament, we see things change which I'd like to point out.
First, God became flesh and took humanity therefore into himself uniting the physical and spiritual. This changed the relationship between God and man.
Joh 1:1  In the beginning was the one who is called the Word. The Word was with God and was truly God.
Joh 1:2  From the very beginning the Word was with God.
Joh 1:3  And with this Word, God created all things. Nothing was made without the Word. Everything that was created
Joh 1:4  received its life from him, and his life gave light to everyone.
Joh 1:14  The Word became a human being and lived here with us. We saw his true glory, the glory of the only Son of the Father. From him all the kindness and all the truth of God have come down to us.

Jesus was God and His sacrifice therefore was once for all as set out in Hebrews.  He did it vicariously - on our behalf - collectively, and therefore the sacrificial system was perfectly fulfilled in the ultimate act of worship.  This is why we don't kill animals nowadays.
In the book of Eph chapter 2 Paul says that we are sat is heavenly places.
Earlier we sang there is a higher throne.  This is taken from Rev 4 and shows that heaven is full of colour and light with praise and worship.    READ?  When we worship we are therefore bowing down and lifting God up inside of us - kind of standing aside and joining in the worship that is happening 24/7 in heaven.  READ We read in places like Jesus birth the heavenly host rejoicing in praise and worship but this is only part of it.

Matt 25 says that whatever we do for others we are also doing for Jesus.  Jesus is one element of God, Father Son and Spirit, so by helping others we are doing it for Jesus and we are therefore worshipping God.
We are included in the life and love of God as we are "In Christ" - please turn to 1 John 4v11-19 which shows that God dwells in us by His Spirit.  READ
Worship is therefore more than singing songs - it's a whole life experience which permeates everything we do.
Romans 12v1 - says that we are to be living sacrifices.
When we did this interactive last week, Tom made a good point - worship is the only thing we can give God.  We can't give physical things as He made everything and He's Spirit so physical riches are useless to him.  Worship however comes from the heart and is an act of love to hold someone else up in high esteem.  We hear of people being martyred for their faith - not sure how many of them would do so willingly - I'm sure they would rather not have been caught by an terrorist group!  However to be a living sacrifice is an ongoing act of love and when you think of people who care for loved ones or friends with long term illness, you get a glimpse of what this means.
God is love and when we worship him, we see the love flowing back in return. Isa 55v11 talks about God's word not returning empty.

Worship tends to get narrowed down to the singing part of a church service, however it's much wider than that and when we pray or show love and concern to others we are showing their worth - and this is worship also.  For example, let's build each other up at church and give each other the encouragement we need.  It's the Act of God's love flowing through us and back to him in so far as whatever we do for others the loves flows back to God.

Last thought - People don't seem to care much about God nowadays, but one day all the world will bow down and worship him.
Rev 15:4  Lord, who doesn't honour and praise your name? You alone are holy, and all nations will come and worship you, because you have shown that you judge with fairness."

A thought occurred to me - if, as we believe, God will reveal his love and grace to wider humanity and people will have the opportunity to respond on judgement day - this scripture is profound! God will reveal the gift of life when people deserve death so all the nations will bow down.  Can you imagine when He returns in Glory - people will be afraid when they realise he does exist and they will expect that they will be punished for their actions.  Jesus however is the judge and he's paid the penalty already so we'll see his grace being poured out on all who repent and believe.  Phil 2v10-11 says At the name of Jesus everyone will bow READ.
Don't forget how he dealt with Paul - he asked him why he was persecuting him but he didn't destroy him, he loved him and Paul responded.  What we see in Paul is heart change and heart worship - and he kept referring to how bad he'd been and how great God is.  Paul's life was therefore transformed into a life of worship.

As we see the atrocities in the middle east and increasingly closer to home lets keep praying "thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven" and look forward to the time that everyone will kneel down and worship God.
So what have we learned today about worship? It's more than just singing songs, although when we sing, we are joining the worship in heaven.  Our lives are living sacrifices to help others and this is an act of worship as we bow down and hold others and therefore God up higher than ourselves.  This is something that cannot be fabricated or created - it's an act of love that comes from the heart.